Simple Recycled Planting Trays.

Need: Newspaper (or any paper for that matter), Egg Cartons, Dirt Disks, Water, Seeds.
Instructions: Soak dirt disks (the ones that stay together). Cut little squares (4 papers thick) for the bottoms of egg cartons. Place pre-wetted disks into each egg place. Plant seeds into the developed dirt disk. Place in large rectangle planting container– or any container you want that will hold water. Easy support trays for dirt disks!

This article was originally posted on Meg’s blog.  She is the author of and a Grit Magazine blogger. Modern Roots is her documented journey to become self-reliant in food. She lives in Annandale, MN and is working on building her 5 acre homestead from the ground up. Through innovation and well, free stuff she is working on making her homestead a comfortable and attractive place to develop her purposeful animal husbandry and gardening ventures in order to become self-reliant.

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